Average full TSM database backups duration and size for a specific month.Information about full TSM database backups for a specific month.Information about full TSM database backups.Amount of data archived and backed up by node and by date.Amount of data migrated in a specific date per storage pool.Amount of data migrated in the last 24 hours per storage pool.Amount of time that tapes were mounted one each drive in a specific date.Volumes reclaimed in the last 48 Hours (better date format?!).Summary of Operations in a specific date (GB).Summary of Operations in the Last 24 Hours (GB).
Information about backup and archive sessions in a specific date.Total of backup and archive per node in a specific date.Statistics of archive, backup, restore and retrieve operations per node in the last 7 days (GB).Summary of backup operations in a specific range.Summary of archive operations in the last 7 days.List number of objects and size by filespace and by management class for a specific node and type different from directory (ALL VERSIONS).List number of objects and size by filespace and by management class for a specific node (ALL VERSIONS).List number of backup objects and size by filespace for a specific node (ALL VERSIONS).List number of backup objects and size by filespace for a specific node (ACTIVE VERSIONS ONLY).List number of backup objects and size for a specific node (ACTIVE VERSIONS ONLY).List number of archives objects and size by management class and archive date for a specific node and archive date older than.List number of archives objects and size by management class and archive date for a specific node.List number of archive objects and size by node, filespace and management class for a specific node and filespace not API nor TDP.List number of archive objects and size of by node, filespace and management class for nodes 'like'.List number of archive objects and size of by filespace and management class for a specific node.List number of archives objects and size by managament class for a specific node.Search in the activity log for a specific ANR in the last 24 hours.Search in the activity log for successful, missed or failed schedules in the last 24 hours.Search in the activity log for messages with Error severity in the last 1 hour.Search in the activity log for missed schedules in the last 2 hours.Some information about backup copy group.Some information about archive copy group.Destination pool of each management class (type: backup copy group).Destination pool of each management class (type: archive copy group).Management classes with archive copy group information.Management classes with backup copy group information.Management classes of policy set ACTIVE that a specific node can use.Management classes of a specifc domain of policy set ACTIVE.Default management class per domain of policy set ACTIVE.Management classes per domain of policy set ACTIVE.Number of drives not online in library 3584.Some cool information about node, associations and schedules.Information about schedules and associations (2 tables).Number of nodes associated per schedules.Number of nodes without associated schedules.Space stored and number of files per node, per storage pool and per type.Space stored and number of files per storage pool and per type (Archive/Backup).Space stored and number of files per storage pool.Storage space used per filespace and per backup/archive type for a specific node.Storage space used per filespace and per storage pool for a specific node.

Data stored per client and some information from nodes table.Space and number of files stored per client.List filespaces that have not been backed up in the last 365 days.Some nodes information and amount of space (from auditocc).List of nodes that have not accessed the tsm server in the last 90 days.Number of database volumes not synchronized.Selecting specific columns from db table.If you have any selects to share or have any comments,

Here you can find out a lot of selects that will help you to get information from TSMĪnd to construct your own SQL statements. This page has a collection of useful SQL statements for IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM). It will be kept for historical purpose only. If you have any select statements to share, I've decided to move this page to github. SQL for Tivoli Storage Manager SQL for Tivoli Storage Manager Useful SQL Statements for TSM